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@SHWIG #SHWIG - twitter based Sexual Health and Well being Interest Group
You can't fix what you can't see: telling about sexual violence (SV).
Our understanding of the scope and scale of sexual violence is hampered by under reporting. We will not be able to fill the gaps in our...
Asking and Telling about Sexual Violence in Sexual Health Services
“It was fear that stopped me…. fear and I think, a deep kind of shock. I didn’t want this to have happened to me. I didn’t want to...
Sexual Health is about civil/ reproductive rights, health inequalities and criminal justice.
This blog is about a new research group, the Sexual Health and Well Being Interest Group #SHWIG @SHWIG We are a group of researchers...
Sexual Harassment where we work.
#MeToo has left a wide range of employers scrambling to respond to allegations of sexual harassment and a new Code of Practice from the...
An education in sexual violence: Universities and sexual bullying.
Higher education may well present the perfect storm of factors that can drive sexual harassment and other sexual violence. In the UK in...
Place, poverty and the role of sexual violence - power in short supply
Geography and place can dictate how much sexual bullying there is. We know that poorer areas have much higher rates of ill health and...
Dr Jane Meyrick
Most sexual violence is hidden and most victim/survivors remain silent.
The World Health Organisation estimates that 1 in 3 women experience physical/sexual violence during their lifetimes but these rates vary...
Dr Jane Meyrick
Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abuse at the University of the West of England.
How are we taking a ‘whole university’ approach to sexual violence and abuse at UWE through prevention, support, and intervention. We...
Can we prevent rather than punish Sexual Violence?
When we take a 'public health' approach to the evidence about the link between porn and sexual violence, we find a large evidence base...
Pornography – harmless fantasy or fuel for sexual violence?
The Children’s Commissioner for England rapid evidence assessment was starkly entitled - ‘ is everywhere’. We know that...
Dr Jane Meyrick
Locating sexual harassment : fault lines, hotspots and ambiguous spaces
Women reporting their experiences of #MeToo show us that sexual harassment does not happened in one place. The problem with focusing on...
Dr Jane Meyrick
#MeToo is everywhere - the prevalence of sexual harassment/bullying
We should aim for a society that allows young people to choose a life, not constrained by artificial gender stereotypes and free from...
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